Q1-For those who do not know, can you quickly describe your career for us, how did you become a wrestler?
-I became a professional wrestler by training my body and mind my entire life, putting myself through all of the toughest contact and conditioning sports there was. Becoming an all american Wrestler and right after graduating high school , researching any and every credible wrestling school there was to go to . Eventually i found out about Maryland Championship Wrestling opening up there brand new training facility and worked my way on up from there.
Q2-How did your parents react to you wanting to become a wrestler? and when did you know you wanted to be a wrestler?
-My parents always knew i wanted to be a professional wrestler , so when i finally got into it , they were proud that i followed my dream and i stuck with what i wanted to do since i was 5 years old.The moment i watched my first episode of WWE Smackdown back in 2002 ,i absolutely fell in love with it.
Q3-Can you talk about your first steps into this buisness, do you remember your first match ?
-My first steps into this business were just like anybody else’s first steps. You know ,hanging around the boys , helping out with the ring set up and just constantly trying to stay in contact with all of the wrestlers and promoters so they could get used to seeing my face around. I remember my first match like it was yesterday. I honestly didn’t even know i would be having my first match that night . it was with Maryland Championship Wrestling , the place that i was training of course and it was on Oct. 4th at the tribute to the legends show in Joppa , MD at the MCW Arena . I was just doing security just like every other show for MCW and that night the owner Dan Mcdevitt seen something in me and knew that i was ready and asked told me “ You’re on Kid “ . I will never forget that. Even though i didn’t get the win against Kai Kentana that night, the experience was awesome to wrestle in front of 1000+ people and live out my dream.
Q4-How do you see your future in wrestling ? What are your goals for 2015?
-I see a bright future for myself. I have always been the person to chase after what i believe in and accomplish anything that i put my mind too. I want to become of the fastest rising stars the Independent scene has seen in a very long time. But as far as 2015 , i am just looking to make a name for myself in Maryland Championship Wrestling and also take on any and every opportunity that the indys throw my way.
Q5-What is your best memory in Wrestling? (as a fan and/or as a wrestler)
-My best memory in general , whether it was as a fan or a wrestler was and still is actually becoming a professional wrestler. I have wanted to do this since i was 5 and i am still in the moment now , so i wouldn’t really call it a memory . i am just happy to be where i am at right now.
Q6-For you what are your best matches?
-The best matches to me are the ones that i am under pressure, the ones that everyone doesn’t think i will make it out off. I’ve been spending my entire life proving people wrong. So when the bar is set high,that is when i do what i do best.
Q7-What are you thoughts on the Indies?
-The indies are great man, its a humbling experience and its a great opportunity to wrestle guys and get experience from all over the world.Working your way from the bottom on up is what it is all about.
Q8-Which wrestlers/tag teams would you like to face?
-There are so many guys out there that i would like to go up against. But the ones that i look up to the most are guys like The Young Bucks, Rich Swann, Richochet , Shane Strickland , ACH , andrew everett , zack saber. Just all of those young Guys in this business that is working hard and making a name for themselves .
Q9-Who gave you the most valuble advice? What was this advice?
-I would have to say Matt Hardy hands down. I was sitting down and talking to him one day and he told me “if you want to be successful in this business and be at the level you are trying to get to, you have to Eat , sleep , dream this business “.
Q10-Wrestlers are very often on the road, so do you have any story for our readers?
-A lot of crazy things have happened to me over this past year of traveling up and down the roads. But the craziest of them all had to be witnessing a brutal car crash 20-30 ft in front of me while on the way to a training session and watching a woman fly out of her car window right in front of me and my tag partner rick powers. We immediately got out the car to help her as much as we could while other cars were just driving past her not helping at all.We stayed until she was stretchered off onto the ambulance.
Q11 Where can we follow you
-For all of the latest updates about my career and schedule , you can follow me on :
- Twitter : @itsliorush
- Instagram : @rushliorush
- Facebook : Like his page à Lio Rush et his team's page Sudden Impact.