Crédit photo : WWE
Comme annoncé sur Catch-Newz, la légende Mean Gene Okerlund nous a quitté le 2 janvier 2019. As du micro, il aura été la source de segments mémorables à la WCW puis à la WWE.
Un décès qui nous a tous pris de court : ni Okerlund ni sa famille n'avaient communiqué au sujet de sa santé. En interview pour l'Associated Press, son fils Tor Okerlund explique que son père a chuté il y a quelques semaines. Sa situation s'est alors rapidement déteriorée alors qu'il venait de subir sa troisième greffe de rein. Le tout expliquant pourquoi la nouvelle de sa mort est tombée de nulle part.
Le 2 janvier 2019 fut donc une journée de recueillement pour l'univers catch. Beaucoup de messages de sympathie sur les réseaux sociaux accompagnés de souvenirs de grands moments passés avec lui. En voici quelques-uns :
It was impossible not to crack a smile whenever “Mean” Gene Okerlund entered a room. He was the voice behind so many of WWE’s most iconic and entertaining moments, and the WWE family will miss him immensely.
— Vince McMahon (@VinceMcMahon) January 3, 2019
The best partner I ever had. We never rehearsed or did anything scripted from a writer. Gene would ask me “hey big man what do u want to do?” I would always answer “just follow you brother” and it worked from 1980 - 2017. RIP my brother HH
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) January 3, 2019
Gene Okerlund was always a consummate pro. His iconic voice, personality, and talent helped so many superstars climb to the top.
— Shane McMahon (@shanemcmahon) January 2, 2019
I am deeply saddened by his passing. RIP Mean Gene.
Mean Gene was universally loved by everyone I’ve met that knew him.
— Kevin (@FightOwensFight) January 2, 2019
Very few people can say that their work will forever be appreciated and remembered. Very few can legitimately claim to be legends in their field.
Those things can undoubtedly be said about him. #RIPMeanGene
I’m very sorry to hear that Gene has passed away. He was a good man and one of the greatest of all time. You will be missed my friend.
— Sting (@Sting) January 2, 2019